The lecture on gambling was very useful as it made me realise the extent of how many

people can actually get into debt because of their gambling addiction. Personally i believe that going once or twice to a betting shop or a gambling shop isn't that bad
but when people start going everyday then they do have a problem. It can start of by being something that is just a thrill for the moment but it can then take over somebody's life as they get addicted. It is bad if it is used to this extent and it could lead to other problems such as having no money left, being in debt and it could also cause problems in the family or work place. Therefore, gambling can be a very serious matter and i believe in this generation it has already become a problem because the media portrays it as being an attractive thrill for youngsters and there are also more and more opportunities for people to go and gamble as there are more shops to do this.
This website gives more information about gambling and the problems arising from this addiction:
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