Personally, i feel that if a woman is taking money from a guy, which may be in terms of taking her out but she has no intention of supplying him with sex, then it is actually stealing and a deceitful act rather than prostitution, but it is still wrong. After watching the clip in the lecture of Breakfast at Tiffany's, it made me realise that women put themselves at very high risk as many girls do this these days and fool men that they are about to give them sex. They shouldn't do this at all if they have any idea of the intentions of these men. When talking about prostituition, the image that comes to my head is of women standing on street corners and dressed totally inappropriatley, so i would'nt class the character in Breakfast at Tiffany's or any women who take money from men as prostitutes.
However taking money in this way is actually socially unrespectable for me as they are portraying a very bad image for themselves and it could attract the wrong kind of men who might be willing to do anything for sex.................
This website looks into the deeper side of prostitution and especially how women are forced to take this route in order to help thier financial problems:
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