This lecture made me realise the different types of shoplifting there are, in terms of the reasons why people decide to do this. As many people are actually forced to carry out this behaviour because they have no other choice. For example the less fortunate people who have to live on the streets could shopift for food or clothes because they have no money. The other ty

pe of people who shoplift could just be for greed, as they no they can't afford high street clothes but they still want the type of lifestyle that they can't have. Another point is that many people find shoplifting a thrill and this could be the reason why youngsters or rich people act this way, just to seek a thrill. For example Winona Ryder had a whole lot to lose but she still shoplifted high street clothes when she had the money to spend! I would consider shoplifting as being bad but for poor people there is no choice as there is nobody out there to help them. If there was help for these people then they would'nt have to shoplift for the basic needs in life........
The following website looks into some of the reasons why people shoplift:
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